The Bridge Intrigue


Taste Of Brutality

The tv series the bridge "again!

We've just seen part 5 of season 3, my wife and I. Some scenes, which is too violent, we pass thru quickly.

I have never liked  rough and violent scenes.. And the cruel racist murder in Trollhättan gave a particularly bad taste of brutality.

    The New Boss

 But the intrigue and excitement, as when the crimie Inspector Saga's new boss, Linn, has begun tracking her down.. A quote that I will carry with me from 'the Bridge" is from Saga's new Danish colleague, Henry, after she has had an confrontation with Linn.

"Your boss should encourage you, not break you down"! He says.

Unfortunately, there are too many people in real life who recognize themselves in this situation:  at work, school and in the community.

#crime - thebridge